Our complete guide

Fleur de CBD en Belgique : tout ce que vous devez savoir sur la légalisation du cannabis léger
Manu N.
Want to know more about CBD flower in Belgium? Read our article to learn about the different types, their effects on our health and how to use them!
Les bienfaits de la Fleur de CBD pour la santé physique et mentale
Manu N.
Discover the many benefits of CBD flower for your physical and mental well-being in our latest blog article. We explore the therapeutic properties of this natural herb and how it can help relieve stress, anxiety, pain and more. Join us to learn more about the benefits of CBD flower for your overall health.

Our CBD Oils

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€23,92 €29,90
Organic CBD oil 23% Organic Cannadiol
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€31,92 €39,90
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€39,92 €49,90
Organic CBD oil 43% Organic Cannadiol